Monday, May 18, 2009

A Travel Home

Capturing Guimaras’ Many Angles

Why are some sands bLacK? because some are whiTe.

Not all shores are bestowed of creamy sands. But Guimaras like many islands in the tropics are among the chosen. Hmm…that idea can only come from a proud inhabitant of one of the tourist hotspots in the Philippines. And true indeed this writer boasts of being a true blue Guimarasnon. But who could fully say he/she is a Gumarasnon if he/she has not even experienced the Guimaras that so many tourist from this country and abroad have through the opportunity given to them by money and that desire to escape from their busy world have visited and explored.
It is true that many Guimarasnons are not truly aware of the actual beauty of the place which they have called their homes for God-knows how long simply because they have not taken or been given the chance to explore what they call their own. And people, who are not aware, are people who cannot be expected to protect.
I did not know about the gargantuan deposits of lime in the rocks and soil of Guimaras until a recent misfortune led me to make a series of choices that eventually led me to a trip that brought me home. Home. I am home. I’ve been home for two decades minus the number of days I was in school in Iloilo or sleeping in my boarding house; but not truly home until I decided to work closely with the true advocates of Guimaras promotion and preservation. And on two of those working days, I went with my boss to a tour of Guimaras by boat.
Beach hopping may not be the deepest way to love a place. But it is definitely a start. Protection begins with appreciation.
I took shots of the places we passed and landed on while taking note from my more knowledgeable companions important details of those places.
At the end of the trip, I got more than pictures in my friend’s camera. I was not only happy that the sands in the Guimaras shores are white. I was happy that they are still there and that my predecessors have done their best to protect them for me… to see and protect in my time.

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