Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stink’stem’:Questioning a tolerated rotten system

True to life scenario
19 casually-clad employees make up the nexus office of an establishment. 15 from the count are on their butts---two staring blankly into space while chewing gum; seven hooked on blaring computer screens updating Facebook accounts, playing spider solitaire and watching porno while laughing around, feeling completely at home. Work is home; home is home.
9:30 on the dot and yet no boss has stepped in the office. 15 minutes pass and a few have already taken turns on the computers. One of the few bosses finally arrives, sits on his royal chair behind the desk, writes, chats, writes for about 15 minutes and exits again; his first and last appearance of the day---a normal day in the office…

The phone rings without halt. The door to the office barely closes. Computer screens blare of white light, hands keep typing, clicking, typing alternately faster than normal.
Everyone’s abuzz. Papers keep coming in and out, delivered here and there, inquiries her and there. All bosses are strapped on their seats all day signing, signing---salary day in the office…

Analogy of systems
The brain is the center of all functions of the body. Without it the body is lifeless. The brain is a network of nerve cells responsible of transmission of signals to all other organ systems. Without them, the brain is useless.

Order, receive, interpret, transmit, and respond: the mainstream process that transcends within the human system without conscious control. Only when disease is present will the process halt or fail to work as it should.

Human society is a simulation of the biologic processes of humans. It’s built to operate systematically for a particular purpose. But as diseases exist in the biologic sense so does it in a society that is only a simulation of the original. Error in connections occur but in a more massive scale. People can choose not to follow orders, orders can be made for personal gain, messages may not reach at the right time or messages may be altered and thus misinterpreted…etc…

In the office scenario above, what happens? No one is working as he/she should. Even the head poses himself/herself as a bad model for others to follow. There is a malady without question.

But what is that malady?
value system---
a scheme that cannot happen in the context of our analogue because it is culture in context, beyond the genius of logic.

No one person dares to speak out the obvious wrong in their daily doings because they know beneficial connections are at stake. If they won’t tolerate each other’s idiosyncrasies, they will live like hell in a place where they should only just follow ethical codes of conduct. A lax workplace is better than a rigid one even if it means flushing values down the drain because a rigid one requires effort that many people are not accustomed to.

'Besides, what are values for when no one’s looking? Or when the one you expect to look into the malady, himself/herself is an epitome of a rotten system?' Now that is stink'stem thinking.

*Stink'stem is a coined term by the author that when separated would read as stinking system.

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