Monday, March 8, 2010

Conquered by Zombies

The last thing any sane person wants is the grotesque that can be found in movies, street accidents and intentional torts and even in his wildest dreams. But how was “Saw” able to conquer many?
I have a faint recollection of a line I read from somewhere that said of how humans are subconsciously attracted to the things that scares the hell out of him which again is only proven true by the popularity of “Plants vs Zombies” that seemingly uses the same psyching as suspense thrillers only, it’s a game; thus putting the person in a more participative role in his journey to his own pleasure or doom or to his saving his brain o r feeding it off to the munch-sounding brain eaters.
About the game, plants vs zombies is as the title shouts, a battle between the plant species (cabbage, corn, potato, nut, cherry, lily, watermelon, pea, mushroom etc.) and the zombies of various fields of interests brought to the grave from their life as humans before (diver zombies, miner zombies, zombies with catapults, gargantuan zombies etc.).
Each of the characters in the two opposing sets is categorized according to its ability to withstand offensive attacks/toughness as well as to inflict damage to its enemies. For example, normal zombie without weapons or any kind of armory, who just walks like a zombie and looks like a zombie has low toughness and can be beheaded by a pea shooter whose damage class is normal in approximately ten pea shots; while a bucket head zombie, a highly tough class of the undead cannot be brought down by a normal pea shooter but something much tougher as in a repeater (which is actually a pea shooter only that it fires two peas at a time). But, another tactic to bring down the hard-headed bucket head is by taking off its metal bucket gear through a magnet-shroom (magnet mushroom). In that way the zombie’s toughness would spiral down to that of an ordinary zombie.
There are other features of the game that are also appealing to the girls such as a garden of plants given as gifts that must be constantly watered and fed and sold to the game master “Crazy Dave”. But don’t be too excited because one can’t grow villas and mansions in it unlike in Farmville and Farmtown.
The game is actually about tactics which is exactly why it’s fun and worth writing about. You are provided the weapons and the choice is yours. You get better in every battle you win or lose. It gets even more fun as you go through the levels and even after you’ve won the golden sunflower (which is given to you if you pass all sub-games) because you can experiment with combinations of plant weapons in a choice of 48 (or 49 plus the imitater which has the ability to imitate a plant of your choice as the name suggests).
Amusingly, I’ve unearthed certain behaviors from my six boy housemates (brothers and cousins) between the ages of 12-18 out of just observing them play the game (all are addicted). One of them, the eldest played the game based on tactics and skill approximation of his chosen plant weapons. Sometimes he fails, but more often than not he is able to conquer each sub-game with ease that he has earned the highest regard from the rest (in terms of this game). Another only follows his lead with weapon choices while another resorts to restarting the game every time he thinks he’s going to lose.
It might too personal a conclusion, not to mention too little subjects at that, but I think it is fairly evident that computer games can determine ones IQ level as well as EQ level. As an experiment, I played various games in front of all of them. First, I used sure-win weapons and observed their reactions. They talked loudly and cheered on. None left the game. The second time, I experimented on really lousy plants (like the corn which has a light damage to opponents). Suddenly, one walked out of the room saying “Byebye to you!” while others shouted, “Restart! Restart!” Only two stayed with me and helped modify the tactics. In the end, we won. The rest, who said we couldn’t win, all shut up leaving me something to ponder on---“Some people are just afraid to take risks, even just in games.” But as I said, many are still attracted to danger, the grotesque and adventure that they’d crowd around it like swarming bees.
Honestly, I don’t know where this rambling is going. I only know that obviously, I’ve been conquered by zombies.

(suggestions?comments?email me @

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